
What are effects of aging population?

What are effects of aging population

 The phenomenon of aging population is gaining ground in developed nations where longevity is lengthened greatly by dint of higher living standards, better health care and serene life. Some people fear that this trend may cause threat to the society in the long run for its cause of young labor resource dearth whil...e others view it as inevitable and see positive effects of this issue. My essay will analyze both good and bad sides of this problem.

First of all, it is believed that the longer people live, the more they enjoy their lives. After years of diligence and contributions, the idea of taking a comfortable life in the twilight years without the worry of suffering death is wonderful; the senior can read books, write their articles, or pursue their own passion to the fullest extent. However, along with their enjoyment are pains as well. The old age is often associated with diseases which deprive the senior minutes of basking themselves in their twilight years, for instance, the attack of insomnia, hypertension, loss of memory and others.

Second of all, from the broader perspective, say, the social view point, the appearance of dense population of the old is seen as a catalyst for the booming of nursing and health-care related industry. With more old people dominating, doctors and other health experts are likely to work their brains to come up with new medicines to treat diseases and enhance the quality of healthcare of the old who, unlike other generation, put their well being on the top of their list. Nevertheless, the opposite truth is the probable danger of a huge waste of money poured into welfare, which might drive the government crazy while they are already exhausted with so many responsibilities. Besides, despite the existence of high-skilled products made by the senior who have a wealth of experience and knowledge, the society is in a dire shortage of the young who have a bigger say over the economic destiny of a nation. Third of all, it is thought that along with the presence of the old is the possibility of the preservation of well-valued traditional norms. It is reasonable to argue that the old who often hold back on the past value tend to put high emphasis on the sustenance of the old day beauty. By contrast, the counter-argument is that as a result of so-called conservatism normally seen in the old, the society will be in shortage of new ideas and ideals that are conducive to a dynamic and open economy. In a word, the society would undergo gains and pains when this trend prevails.

All in all, aging population is an acknowledged trend, having positive and negative impacts on each individual and society as a whole.